See there's no reason to get married anymore at anytime in a marriage if a woman feels you are not communicating the way she wants then she feels like a divorce is needed. However prior to marriage women claim "oh it's a commitment" you female commitment means nothing if you throw everything away over you don't like the way he talks. Shrink lady give me one good reason way in modernity men should get married?
Commented on Feminist Don’t Want To Do The Hard Jobs @DrBronte | The Sitdown
Mar 08 at 05:29 AM
Wait the question on the table was "do men owe women protection?" and the feminist shrink said " any decent person would help if violence is being enacted". Hypothetical: shrink lady goes shopping at night I'm at the same grocery store the Parking lot is empty we walk in two different directions towards our cars but a mugger junkie with a knife robs her for money đź’° runs away and she screams for me to help her. However I get in my car drive away and do nothing. So she's claiming I'm not a decent person because I wouldn't fight a guy with a knife for her purse?