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August 19

Hi Pearl, what's going on?

You've been AWOL, since your interview with RyLiberty, are you ok?

Now I see your call to demonetize Candance.

Did they threaten you?

August 14

Most of your content has disappeared from YouTube, but very little new content appears on The Audacity Network.  Here, there is only a small set of videos taken from YouTube with very little new material appearing. 

What is your plan?  Even your admirers, like me, won't pay a fee for this forever.

June 12
• Edited (Jun 12, 2024)

Hi Pearl, great to see you here, just subscribed and recommended to my followers that they do, too. 

Paul Elam was a great choice to interview - can I suggest Prof Janice Fiamengo next?

Mike Buchanan




June 02
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Pearl, where's the Sit Down with Tommy Robinson (Ep: 13), I wanted to watch it? Why are you censoring yourself on your own platform? 

June 12
• Edited (Jun 12, 2024)
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Pearl don't fall in with the homosexually crowd. NEVER BELIEVE WHAT ANY OF THEM IS SAYING! THEY ARE LIARS! They are part of a militant homoerotic cult. They are NOT victims. They ultimate aimed are ALWAYS children and the subjugations of the rest of the 99% human population which don't live their abominable lifestyle! READ, "The pink swastikas homosexuality in the nazi party" by Scott Lively/Kevin Abrams. It will give you an insight to what this "pride month" with this homosexuality cult being pushed is trully about!

Anyone notice that Pearl looks like Deborah Ann Woll from the Daredevil Tv Series?

April 11

Here's Pearl's.   "I don't buy it!" face. 😂

May 25
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Hey Guys You have the ability to change your name for comments on the videos

May 13
• Edited (May 14, 2024)
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Pearl, this is not to troll you, but to inform you and those who read this comment section. I too supported Trump originally in 2016, but unlike many people I was watching what he was actually doing in the background with the fake covid pandemic. Before Trump it started with gain of functions researches from the US. government since the early 2000s (Dr. David Martin: & -> accelerated under Obama 2nd term ->University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill gain of functions researches (  -> with Antony Fauci predicting a pandemic under Trump in January 20th, 2017 ( -> Crimson Contagion simulations from January to August, where Trump signed Executive order #13887 in September 2019: “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health.”, AKA, “crimson Contagion”: , -> Event 201 in October 2019 ( -> China supposedly "Wuhan covid-19/respiratory virus outbreaks" December 2019- January 2020 (PBS Timeline with some truth omitted: -> January 2020, WHO issues warning of covid-virus outbreak -> March 2020 Trump signed Emergency Order ( & & $6.2 trillion welfare for his corporate friends & "the American people" to bankrupt the U.S. increasing the debts by 40% with the stroke of his pen ( -> December 11, 2020 Trump FORCED FDA to authorized RNA bioweapon covid-19 vaccines ( -> Millions of American & people worldwide are force to take the covid-19 vaccines to protects their jobs & through peer pressures -> Millions of people are injures and killed worldwide ( & -> Turbo cancers ( & , & and death:  & immunes disorders ( and more. :( I know you love trump and want to support him in 2024, but you a smart girl, read all the researches link provided. Trump is a mass murderer along with Joe Biden ( they BOTH have committed crimes against God and humanity and deserve a Nuremberg Trials for capital punishments. Please think about what he have done before supporting him and encouraging others to do the same. God(Jesus Chris) Bless! :)

May 27

This "community" chat DON'T feel fun at all! :( Apart from you Blessing( whatever), none of the host are interacting, and even Pearl don't care to interact with this chat. You guys don't care for people who took the time to subscribed or support you at all! Very disappointing!