John Smith

May 10 at 01:06 AM

GregoireHow is simply disagreeing with you "white knighting" - please explain.  I am calm , however your comment "Are you telling me and other people to cancel their subscriptions and "F** off" as you are above responding to your "customers" comments" seems not calm and a little emotional/over the top - and you are objectively complaining.  I haven't been rude at all - if you check what you have written against what I have written you will see that - I disagree with you, that's all. 

May 04 at 01:31 PM

No the customer is not always right. Its more important now to support Pearl and help her continue to fight and give a voice for men's issues and the value of men. Please, with respect, stop complaining and support her in the early stages of a difficult transition. 

May 04 at 01:25 PM

I don't believe in male supremacy.    Personally, I don't like the word submission, I think that's wrong and open to misinterpretation. Its more like co-operation. If you want a leader as a partner, let them lead and co-operate with them - and co-operation means sometimes going along with them even if you are not sure they are right. Curious though, is there a list of female supremacy websites - there should be right?Â