John Smith

May 10 at 01:06 AM

GregoireHow is simply disagreeing with you "white knighting" - please explain.  I am calm , however your comment "Are you telling me and other people to cancel their subscriptions and "F** off" as you are above responding to your "customers" comments" seems not calm and a little emotional/over the top - and you are objectively complaining.  I haven't been rude at all - if you check what you have written against what I have written you will see that - I disagree with you, that's all. 

May 04 at 01:31 PM

No the customer is not always right. Its more important now to support Pearl and help her continue to fight and give a voice for men's issues and the value of men. Please, with respect, stop complaining and support her in the early stages of a difficult transition. 

May 04 at 01:25 PM

I don't believe in male supremacy.    Personally, I don't like the word submission, I think that's wrong and open to misinterpretation. Its more like co-operation. If you want a leader as a partner, let them lead and co-operate with them - and co-operation means sometimes going along with them even if you are not sure they are right. Curious though, is there a list of female supremacy websites - there should be right? 


May 04 at 12:44 PM

Thanks for fighting for us Pearl. Everyone should have the opportunity to speak and free speech is the most important thing (thanks Elon, subscribed there as well) together with being honest and truthful about the problems we have (marriage laws, custody etc.).  Men's problems in general and specifically in relationships are overlooked and need fixing to save the institution of marriage and family.  The first step in fixing things is to speak honestly about them. I joined to support you, not to get exclusive content here.  I don't care where you publish and I understand it takes time to get stuff sorted on a new channel. If you support Pearl's message, get other people to subscribe - support her. Post in comments on YouTube about it etc.  Pearl, please keep going.