
14:00 haha. This is the problem. Brainwashed women. There’s a tribe in Polynesia where they separate men and women for their entire lives.

- the men survive and excell in this environment. Totally independent.

- the women are totally dependent on the men helping their separate ‘civilisation’. The men are constantly giving their surplus to the women to help them as without they perish

The narcissism of this guest is spilling out.

When she talks about being a doctor as a woman you’re not allowed to bring up logging or crabbing as examples of dangerous professions as it belittles her point of how hard it was to be a doctor.

Conversely when citing the danger of other jobs she will cite examples of other professions which belittle the point; “there should be safety people there sorting all that out”
 as if the safety concerns no longer apply?

That’s classic hypocrisy.

11:50 incredible. You’re allowed to have that opinion but it’s the wrong opinion. What do you say about this?!

8:38 facts. Nice pearl

7:59 truth

8:09 guest gives BS to circumvent the truth


Mar 06 at 07:11 AM

Nice one Pearl.
Signed up to help support you. It’s hard for those spreading truth to be heard in the era of lies. Orwell and Huxley were right.
Have followed your message for some time now and have always appreciated your honest breakdown (particularly as woman talking about women honestly - It’s far rarer than it should be).
Anyway, was particularly incentivised to help, after seeing the Piers Morgan stitch-up (you handled that remarkably well) & the usual slander and financial embargo from the <whatever you want to call it>.
Champions need our support.
You’re doing what many of us are not.
Keep it up; Godspeed and;
Thank you!