
37:40 the empathy argument again. She thinks empathy makes jobs safer?! I can assure you sympathy will make them even safer than that!

27:15 wow. ‘It’ was a perfectly fine description for the purpose of the discussion. Notice how immediately the guest seized upon this?


- this was her ‘go trigger’

- thereafter notice how she now activates her stored responses for the situation function? Even reciting bigger words to demonstrate the veracity of her point and skill in oratory. Unfortunately this is not organic, it is prepared drivel in attempt to wrestle conversation and authority. It’s a very left wing tactic.

24:05 wow. And woman shows her true form. Watch her smug face as she attacks Pearl. Evil.

Dismissing Pearl’s own achievements as beholden to men and feminists.

Even the snarky follow ups. “It aaaactually issss”. Odious.

This is why women can’t work with women. Womanhood gets in the way.

Btw; Pearl- you have incredible temperament. How on Earth do you stay so calm! Well done for doing so. Each time your riposte unbalances your opponent.

23:02 feminists? Replace this word for ‘narcissists’

Feminists ARE narcissists

Penny drop moment?

Pearl’s responces here are just so many levels above her guest.

Well done girl; keep it going

18:38 this is amazing

Especially the ‘I disagree’.

Classic ‘don’t want to accept your point, so I flat disagree without reasoning’.

She’s being dissected as a low intelligence person. This is supposed to be a doctor in the higher tier of society? What I see is someone in a job role which is above their level, yet equality laws have provided a massive step up at the detriment of all her patients.

17:58 women prioritise empathy and communication? Thought it was supposed to be children first? Also what ever happened to the far more powerful ‘Sympathy’? Sympathy and empathy deviate on personal experience. Empathy is being able to feel when you haven’t experienced it - a facade if you will. Sympathy is the real deal; speaking from experience you fully understand the other person’s position.

People who have hard lives sympathise

People who have easy lives are unable to; so empathy is their draw.

15:00 haha. So deluded. Read a book which sells a lie. Repeat it. She really believes that war was all men on the front lines? So many stayed at home, probably her father’s father too.

14:18 thank you pearl. Women are indeed THE most savage rulers. A short list off the top of my head;


Victoria I


Elizabeth I


Mary I




Isabella I


Catherine the Great


Tamar the Great


Wu Zeitan

Interestingly this expands into other aspects.

- hygiene; as agreed by both sexes; men are cleaner than women!!!! You can’t believe it

- when the requirement to look good for men (pussy power etc) is removed from society, the women can no longer be bother to even wash. Twice a week compared to the men who wash daily at least once per day.