
Reading, PA, United States

Mar 02 at 01:23 PM

Steve OBrien I hear praise coming from mannerisms? characteristics? not from you but from the owner here.. I see no honor in elimination of the US by so called alphas that have support from many of their own ilk..

Feb 25 at 04:41 PM

Steve... thanks for the reply and will add to it... Whatever Trumps mannerisms - He is CFR and not acting alone as these guys are told what to do.. The US as we have known it is gone!!

Two Wings Of The Same Dragon – Fire Breathing Christian

You need to put down whatever GOP supplied crack pipe you may have been regularly smoking and/or put down the Republican/Democrat, Left/Right paradigm tinted glasses you’ve been viewing the world through and just take a sec to look at the real world as it actually is. A minute or two oughta do it.

Oh sure, it’s a hard first minute or two, what with your whole worldview likely to be rocked to its core as you come to realize that you’ve been embarassingly duped, played like a cheap violin, and spun like a top for years (likely decades for many of you) by your favorite talk show hosts, politicians, entertainers, and even many of your favorite pastors, but that’s how detox works. That’s what withdrawal feels like.

Feb 07 at 07:23 PM

Dane Snyder -- Islam is a political system, NOT a religion, and unless and until humanity wakes the hell up and STOPS referring to it as a religion, there is no hope. Islam is a hyper-aggressive, militaristic, expansionist, totalitarian political system designed to create a super-rich micro-oligarchical ruling class with a massive, destitute, genetically handicapped underclass below. The paper-thin faux-religious facade was a conscious, specific con from the very beginning – much like Mormonism and Scientology – a pure racket using borrowed and piggy-backed religious motifs to lend credibility to a massive, loosely-knit network of crime syndicate cells. --Barnhardt

Feb 05 at 09:17 PM

Sharia complicit Britain/EU: Islamic conquest of Europe brought to you by Treasonous Government (Hijrah) ---Muslims have been trying to eradicate Western Civilization for 1,400 years. At first they largely succeeded, violently driving Christianity from the Middle East and even conquering Constantinople, the capitol of Christendom for a thousand years after the decline of Rome. For the past few centuries, they fell so far behind the West that it seemed they would never finish Mohammad’s mission. But then came moonbattery, featuring open borders and the welfare state: BELOW PAGE ELIMINATED

Feb 05 at 09:14 PM

So far is the Qur’an from modern notions of tolerance and peaceful coexistence that it even warns Muslims not to befriend Jews and Christians....   By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims).[17]

Another hadith has Muhammad saying: “How will you be when the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the Law of the Qur’an and not by the law of Gospel.”[18]

Feb 03 at 09:30 PM

never said there was a deletion

Feb 03 at 09:29 PM

never said you deleted

Feb 03 at 06:07 PM

been in chat every day as I found my way there

Jan 29 at 12:53 AM

ok ok will old guy simp a bit - young Pearl has the charisma and talent to go far... since finding you folks its been a laugh a minute!


Jan 28 at 09:23 PM

Another Major Escalation In Establishment Internet Censorship – Google YouTube, whose corporate owner Google is arguably the most powerful company on earth, is now deleting user videos which claim the US election was fraudulent. It’s simply deleting the videos because they are believed to be wrong.