Steve... thanks for the reply and will add to it... Whatever Trumps mannerisms - He is CFR and not acting alone as these guys are told what to do.. The US as we have known it is gone!!
Two Wings Of The Same Dragon – Fire Breathing Christian
You need to put down whatever GOP supplied crack pipe you may have been regularly smoking and/or put down the Republican/Democrat, Left/Right paradigm tinted glasses you’ve been viewing the world through and just take a sec to look at the real world as it actually is. A minute or two oughta do it.
Oh sure, it’s a hard first minute or two, what with your whole worldview likely to be rocked to its core as you come to realize that you’ve been embarassingly duped, played like a cheap violin, and spun like a top for years (likely decades for many of you) by your favorite talk show hosts, politicians, entertainers, and even many of your favorite pastors, but that’s how detox works. That’s what withdrawal feels like.
Replied on Tomorrow is my last night in the chat...
Mar 02 at 01:23 PM
Steve OBrien I hear praise coming from mannerisms? characteristics? not from you but from the owner here.. I see no honor in elimination of the US by so called alphas that have support from many of their own ilk..