
I spent the first half of my career working as a physicist and the second half as a software engineer. My wife is from Eastern Europe.

I have zero interest in any of the celebrity discussion, but I do agree that it's wrong for a woman to be in charge of a relationship or to be equal in a relationship.  In every species on Earth which even has gender, the male dominates and the female submits to him.  In any healthy human relationship, the man is the leader and the women follows his lead and obeys him.  Men shouldn't date women who have a problem with the man being in charge.  God created cats for women like that.

If I tried to be in some kind of 50-50 relationship with my wife, I imagine she'd be baffled and leave me.

Commented on Why Dating Is Ruined

Aug 14 at 04:39 AM

This is why I imported a wife from eastern Eastern Europe.  There are still feminine women with good values being made there.  She walked in the door with all the skills of a wife, and completely submissive and obedient.  That was 18 years ago.  Most western women are now, sadly, un-dateable trash, as you illustrate.

Replied on Rachel Wilson

Aug 13 at 12:17 PM

Could you cite us your source for that, please?

Commented on 5 Red Flags In Women

Aug 11 at 09:26 PM

It seems as though most of the interesting content has been removed from YouTube, (especially anything of a conservative or traditional nature that the liberals at YouTube might dislike), and the amount of new material on The Audacity Network is far, far less than what's disappearing at YouTube.

Aug 11 at 05:47 AM

It's not rocket science.  Most men want a girl who's kind, fun, supportive, feminine, submissive, provides sex, and is obedient.

If a woman trusts her male partner and has vetted him, she should submit to him and obey, regardless of their relative levels of expertise.  She should submit and obey merely because he is male and she is female.  This is the way it's been done in every species on Earth since the beginning of time, and it works.

Jun 05 at 05:04 AM

This is why men are hard wired to provide for women.  Women have neither the ability nor the inclination to do many of the high paying jobs. 

Women do not work construction (other than administration), or the oil rigs,  they aren't roofers, or even fishermen.  Females are weaker and slower, nor are they interested in these things.

I am a physicist.  In my year at college, there was exactly one female in physics and she didn't actually go into the field.  Women are not common in physics, or chemistry, or engineering.  They lack the ability or the interest.

There are few female welders, or plumbers, or electrical engineers, or auto mechanics.

It's alright, though, because men instinctively want to provide for a woman and protect her physically.  My wife believes that men are vastly superior to women, but I think it's really just a question of specialization.

Jun 04 at 03:30 AM

This is a real problem and I've head it discussed before.  Women seem to have mental limitations.  For example, no woman has ever made a major physics discovery.  The highest rated female chess player on Earth, Judit Polgar, is actually down almost to number 90.  There is no female equivalent of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, etc.  One one of Pearl's YouTube videos I posted a long list of cases where a woman was made CEO of a large, complex company and ran it into the ground.  Men seem to have been given most of the power of logical analysis.  Women have a hard time separating logic from emotion.  In all the years I was a software engineer in several companies, I saw only one female programmer I considered competent.

We want society to treat everyone equally but half the population has very noticeable mental limitations.  I don't know the answer.  My wife agrees with Pearl that women have no business voting with men.  She says that women lack the mental equipment.

Jun 04 at 03:02 AM

It won't play.

Jun 02 at 09:42 AM

It's true that there are things that men do that women can't do, at least not well.  There are countless examples, but I've mentioned all of them in various of Pearl's videos.  I'll repeat a couple of examples.  There has never been a major physics discovery by a woman.  Also, I'm a physicist but I spent a long time working as a software engineer in a number of companies.  One constant is that the female programmers couldn't do the job and were there only because of hiring quotas.  I worked with a hundred programmers and only ever saw one female programmer whom I considered competent.  The women always had to be paired with a man or bailed out by a man after their code failed.  Everyone knew this.

Men seem to have received most of the ability to do logical analysis.  This is part of the reason why traditionally, when a woman marries, she submits her will to her husband's and pledges to obey him.  Women can do well under male guidance.